My name is Ginger Vieira, and I am passionate about helping people with diabetes and other chronic illnesses live full lives! I live with type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, hypothyroidism, and fibromyalgia. These conditions have never stopped me from living a full, active, energetic, and busy life!
Learning how to thrive despite the challenges of my chronic illnesses is something I strive to help others learn how to do, too.
Today, I am the Associate Director of Communications at T1D Exchange. T1D Exchange works to improve care and quality of life for people with type 1 diabetes through research that identifies critical problems or challenges. Learn more about T1D Exchange’s mission and how to participate from home in research here.
My published books include:
I have created in-depth, real-life, well-researched content on topics including:
Visit this page for links to nearly every article I’ve written.
My background includes a B.S. in Professional Writing from Champlain College and certifications in cognitive coaching, Ashtanga Yoga, and personal training. Back in the day, I set 15 records in drug-free amateur powerlifting with record lifts of 190 lb. bench press, 265 lb. squat, and a 300 lb. deadlift. (You can find old competition videos on YouTube!) No more heavy lifting for me these days, but you will find me using most of my free-time jumping rope, lifting light weights, walking my dog with my handsome fella, sprinting up and down the sidewalk, and scootering with my kiddos in empty parking lots.
Today, I am a mother of two little ladies, living in Vermont with my handsome fella and the world’s most loyal pups, Petey and Wilma.
Find links to my past freelance work here:
Visit my LinkedIn profile for more on my professional history.